Created in 2017, Futuro was developed for middle school children.

28 September 2017

Given the success of sixth editions of Tondo come il mondo for primary schools, La Fondazione started looking for ways to expand its mission of educating young adults on environmental matters.

We always wished that our work would inspire schools to further their work on such topics. Futuro, the more recent project dedicated to secondary schools, was created to fulfil this objective and to provide children with a more scientific and possibilistic method for analysing the professional and economic opportunities that environmental sustainability can generate.

A series of environmental issues (i.e. energy-related issues) affecting our daily lives, which were identified by Fabio Ranghino (Head of Sustainability and Strategy at Ambienta), formed the basis of the content developed by Francesco Fagnani, author of Librì. The text and illustrations were appropriate for the target audience and were effective in stimulating their curiosity and desire to explore the themes proposed in the book.

The title Futuro was purposefully selected to explain our intention to build awareness of environmental issues and opportunities so to propose a better world for us and for future generations.

We are happy with what we have accomplished over the years and we can’t wait to distribute Futuro to other Italian secondary schools for the school year that has just begun.
