The handbook Tondo come il mondo was developed to raise awareness among primary school children of the importance of natural resources, providing suggestions on how to best preserve them.

Alongside a stimulating narrative (author Cristina Gabetti) and funny illustrations (by Pero Cova), the children will find precious guidelines on the correct daily habits to adopt as well as various amusing tasks to implement in class, outdoor or at home with the family. The handbook Tondo come il mondo is appropriate for any school, since the notions contained in the book are explained in simple words and in a playful manner. Even the bad news about the state of our planet’s health is expressed in a non-alarmistic form. The proposed educational path was developed to explain participants how to respect the environment and protect natural resources.

“The natural cycle of life is cyclical. We form part of this magical system together with those planet’s resources providing us with air, shelter, water and food. These resources must therefore be respected and protected.”

This concept, which is contained in the book Tondo come il Mondo, forms the basis of the competition promoted by Fondazione Ambienta together with Librì Progetti Educativi, publisher of the text.
The competition, proposing a different theme every year, has proved to be an effective way for involving children, who are asked to work in teams.
A jury composed of members of Librì Progetti Educativi and Fondazione Ambienta selects the most outstanding work.

Check out the website


Under the patronage of the Ministry of Environment & Energy Security



