Tondo come il mondo / Edition 2021-2022

The Fantastic Machine

To protect the environment, imagination and creativity are also important, to design new tools that can make our ecological footprint ever lighter. So why not turn into inventors and realize a fantastic eco-machine that can solve an environmental emergency?

The macro themes chosen by the classes focused on reducing plastic in the sea, reducing urban pollution, waste disposal.

The choice of the classes selected for the jury was made according to the following criteria:

  • Identification of an environmental emergency to be solved
  • Presentation, technical and graphic realization of the project
  • Originality of the project

Winners 2021-2022


Istituto comprensivo Tommaso Grossi plesso Mozzi – Treviglio (BG) – Class III A

Robots saving the Earth



Istituto Comprensivo Tommaso Grossi plesso Mozzi  – Treviglio
Class III A

GEOMETRIC, against atmospheric pollution




Scuola Primaria di Busano – Torino – Classe IV U

Air Cleaning Drone



Istituto Comprensivo Don Giulio Testa – Venafro (IS) – Classe III C

The Fire-extinguishing Machine