Toward the future / Edition 2020-2021


Now in its fourth edition, Towards the Future shows how sustainability can also provide professional opportunities in multiple sectors, helping young people with their future career choices.

We are convinced of the need for a positive outlook on environmental issues, given the fact that for every environmental problem, a more or less innovative solution has now been developed. And all together these solutions represent enormous business opportunities and therefore career and development opportunities.

We hope that this project will be useful to you during the school year and, with a bit of ambition, also for your future life and career choices.

Remember, sustainability is like digitalization: it enters all sectors, transforms them, and creates multiple opportunities. And this is true not only for energy-related sectors but is also relevant for all professions, all sectors, all geographies. Business  related to the environment is a revolution that has just started. And you will be the protagonists.

(Nino Tronchetti Provera – President of the Ambienta Foundation)

Winners 2020-2021


Secondary School SSPG STABIAE – Castellammare di Stabia (NA) – class III E

Smart City Stabia



Secondary School SSPG STABIAE – Castellammare di Stabia (NA) – class III H

Beach Project



Secondary School ENRICO MATTEI – Cellatica (BS) – class II B

Save the Planet

Hemp paper