Tondo come il mondo / Edition 2022-2023

Our sustainable city

There are many and all fundamental environmental emergencies highlighted by the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: for this edition the attention of children was focused on Objective 11, which aims to “make cities and settlements inclusive, safe, long-lasting and sustainable”.

The exercise proposed to the pupils aims to make an analysis of the most important problems of their own city and therefore to try to imagine how the city of the future should be: what energies it will use, how its citizens will move and what services they will be able to use, how much green spaces there could be, how will be the houses, the streets…

This fun workshop led the classes to create a 3D model or a map of the imagined sustainable city.

The choice of the classes selected for the jury was made according to the following criteria:

• creativity and commitment in the design of the work;

• quality in the realization of the work;

• attention to the environment, energy and healthy lifestyles.

Winners 2022-2023


Istituto comprensivo Olga Rovere – Rignano Flaminio (RM) – Class V B

Project elements



Pietro Scuderi – Istituto Tecnico Santo Calì  – Linguaglossa (CT)
Class IV B

Project description




Scuola Primaria I.C. Umberto Postiglione – Raiano (AQ) – Class V A

Sustainability elements



L. Sciascia-Istituto G. Galilei – Acireale (CT) – Class IV A

For having created a project with practical and instantaneous sustainable solutions for a cleaner city and more loved by all, without waste and with a view to optimizing time and consumption.

Scuola Primaria di Rezzoaglio (GE) – Multiple Classes

Starting from the culture of the landscape and its characteristics, the class focused on the innovation, use and sustainable reuse of some structures with particular attention to the creation of a city close to the service of citizens.

Circolo Didattico L. Sciascia – Acireale (CT) – Class IV B

For the richness of the elements and details included in the project and for having worked on an idea of ​​a future city that could be better than the current one, even more loved by its citizens. The parents of the students have also been involved in the project.

1° C.D. E. De Amicis – Trani (BA) – Class III A

For having created a project that was well suited to the local area, which led the children involved in the activity to transform themselves into little journalists. Their careful research on the territory has given rise to an idea of ​​a new city but above all – using their words – “up to our future”.

Ist. Giovanni XXIII – Gioia Tauro (RC) – Multiple Classes

For the importance given to the recycled materials chosen for the realization of their idea of ​​a sustainable city, with a view to implementing the idea of ​​sustainability also in the design itself. A further important aspect is the value given to the theme of inclusion.

Scuola primaria Montefalcone Val Fortore – San Giorgio la Molara (BN) -Multiple Classes IV-V  U

For a project not only identifying eco-sustainable solutions, but which expands the overall vision, also creating the opposite model: a polluted city in which man does not take care of the environment. This type of comparison makes the impact of their work even more incisive.